Τετάρτη 8 Ιουνίου 2016

Yad Vashem honours Greek couple for saving Jews during Holocaust ...

Yad Vashem posthumously honoured Apostolos and Maria Voliotis from Greece as Righteous Among the Nations, for their efforts to save Jews in the Holocaust.
The Voliotises hid the Jewish Hakim family in their grocery store, on the outskirts of the village of Karabas, during the war. The Hakims stayed there for a year.
“After the war, Levana Shalish recalled that during one of these raids they were spotted by the Germans; Apostolos Voliotis maintained his composure and claimed that they were his workers, and the Germans left them alone,” Yad Vashem reported.
At the ceremony last week, the medal and certificate were presented to the children of Apostolos and Maria Voliotis, Evangelis, Helene and Michalis Voliotis.
At the ceremony Apostolos Voliotis, grandson of Apostolos and Maria, spoke of his grandparents: “They were two simple people, from a small village, who disregarded the potential ramifications of their actions and offered refuge to the Hakim family, an act in the spirit of ‘Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself’… It is my hope that their actions will serve as an example to the generations to come of bravery, tolerance and humanity.”
Click here to read the full article in JSpace News

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